Now that the Spring 2011 UAT Commencement is over I'm finally allowed to talk out it. The project that Ryan Carmain, Kasey Norman, Professor Mueth, and myself have been working on: 3 Synchronized Art Bots. Yes that is a mouthful so from now on I'll affectionately refer to them as the SAB crew, seeing as there are 3 of them. We made three of them in order to use three colors to both identify them and to have them paint: Red, Blue, Green. The bots movement is based off of both the noise made and the duration of that noise. With each bot focused in on a different range, their movements therefore aren't the same in dance mode. Dance mode being the mode in their programming where they react to the noise being created. The SAB crew was created to be used at UAT's Spring 2011 Commencement Ceremony and then got invited to demo at the 2011 PhoenixCon happening at the end of May. The bots come with a pamphlet that I put together myself as we went along detailing the creation both hardware and software wise. After the demo at PhoenixCon I'll be sure to post more video and pics of them.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Moved By Sound - Synchronized Art Bots
Now that the Spring 2011 UAT Commencement is over I'm finally allowed to talk out it. The project that Ryan Carmain, Kasey Norman, Professor Mueth, and myself have been working on: 3 Synchronized Art Bots. Yes that is a mouthful so from now on I'll affectionately refer to them as the SAB crew, seeing as there are 3 of them. We made three of them in order to use three colors to both identify them and to have them paint: Red, Blue, Green. The bots movement is based off of both the noise made and the duration of that noise. With each bot focused in on a different range, their movements therefore aren't the same in dance mode. Dance mode being the mode in their programming where they react to the noise being created. The SAB crew was created to be used at UAT's Spring 2011 Commencement Ceremony and then got invited to demo at the 2011 PhoenixCon happening at the end of May. The bots come with a pamphlet that I put together myself as we went along detailing the creation both hardware and software wise. After the demo at PhoenixCon I'll be sure to post more video and pics of them.
Combo Breaker - Aux meet Headphones
QuadCopter Swarm - Thinking like a group

Saturday, April 23, 2011
Woman Power - Female Superheroes and Villians
Angel Salvadore

Atom Girl
Batgirl I
Batgirl II
Batgirl III
Batgirl IV
Batgirl V
Batgirl VI
Big Barda
Black Canary I
Black Canary II
Black Cat
Black Widow
Black Widow II
Boom Boom
Cat II
Claire Bennet
Daphne Powell
Emma Frost
Fighting Spirit
Hawkwoman I
Hawkwoman II
Hope Summers
Invisible Woman

Jean Grey
Jennifer Kale
Jessica Sanders
Light Lass
Liz Sherman
Marvel Girl
Maya Herrera
Minna Murray
Miss Martian
Monica Dawson
Ms Marvel
Ms Marvel II
Niki Sanders
Oracle (DC)
Penance I
Phantom Girl
Power Girl
Renata Soliz
Silk Spectre I
Silk Spectre II
Spider-Woman II
Spider-Woman III
Stacy X
Stephanie Powell
Thor Girl
Tracy Strauss
Triplicate Girl
Valerie Hart
Vertigo II
Vindicator II
White Queen
Wonder Girl
Wonder Woman
Yellowjacket II

Update - My Life

Friday, April 22, 2011
BACKLOG! Robotics Club

BACKLOG! Nameless Microwave Upgrades
BACKLOG! RBT173 Final Project: Accelerometer Controlled Robot
BOCKLOG! Nameless Microwave & the IGVC
AR - What is Augmented Reality?
The display category can further be broken down into different areas of AR; each has its own benefits for different circumstances. Head-mounted display allows the user to interact and augmented the world around them while being fully immersed in it and still maintaining full mobility.
Handheld displays allow the user to still retain full mobility without having to immerse themselves into the AR; this is also the most likely candidate for mass production for consumers. Lastly spatial AR allows for use in the home, full interaction, limited mobility, and little to no immersion. For the most part this is using a webcam or some kind of camera and projector set-up. You'll find this type most commonly used now with online stores allowing you to print off a tag to "try" on their clothes to see how you like it.
For the most part all mobile computing power is referring to is the GPU or graphical processing unit. It seems kind of far strung and super high gadgetry but really for the most part it is a graphics card. Since the only computing needed is the coding and graphics being streamed to it, it is easier and smoother to use a GPU rather than a full computer system which breaks the work into two different chunks to send to the CPU and the graphics card, which then has to be put back together later down the road and cause a lag in the system between seeing a tag, recognizing it, and displaying the corresponding image.
Tracking is a matter entirely in and of itself. For the whole AR system to work it needs to be able to tell where it is in space and any movement deviation made from that point. This particular area is also where the greatest lag in AR systems is typically produced since most tracking systems being used at this point aren’t as sensitive as the systems need them to be. The best options right now would be one of the following: multiple GPS signals, differential GPS, real-time kinematic GPS, and the HiBall tracking system. As a personal suggestion, the HiBall tracking system seems to be the best bet at the moment for groups looking into experimenting with AR as its systems resolves linear motion of less than .2 millimeters, angular motion of less than .03 degrees, and an update rate of more than 1500 Hz with a latency of about 1 millisecond. Making it the best solution to the lagging problem commonly found in AR systems at this point in time.

ARinsanity - Interactive 3D Modeling

Now I do alot of crazy stuff at UAT for the simple reason that I think its cool which means I want to know how it works. One of those crazy things I jumped into with in my first couple of semesters here was AR or Augmented Reality. AR has limitless possibilities in every possible field or discipline you can think of, you just have to be crazy enough to think outside of the box.
Being that

So one of the major projects ARinsanity has taken on this semester is helping out a fellow member, Alicia Preston, with her SIP project.

Now Alicia's project involves hacking into the awesome untapped potential of the XBOX360's Kentic [I'll rant on the unlocked potential of it in another post], combining it with AR and an open source 3D modeling program that's already out there so that the user is actually interacting and creating their model in real time. Like if they were still modeling the old school clay way but with a lot longer list of what they can make and what materials they can make those items out of in the digital world. So~ my part in all of this is the crazy hardware person and as such I'll try and keep you guys up to date on all my cool little gadgets that are going to have to spawn to make this project happen. And if you all are really nice then I might even do a blog going more in depth into what AR is, how can you do it, and what are some of the cool projects you all at home can do with it.
Transformers more then meets the eye!

So for some reason my younger brother is always bugging me to build him a Transformer just because I'm a robotics student and he is obsessed with the idea of actually having one. Though I think he fails to realize it would have to be a sentient being to be a legit Transformer or at the very least have a really kick-ass AI and then we'd be saying hello to our own really life version of the Terminator but with much bigger bots that we'd mistake for our own vehicles. But to kind of placate him a bit I decided to show everybody that there is actually a step towards robots that can change what they are depending on what function they need to preform. Now its not something as insane as a car that transforms into a evil fighting kick-ass robot with laser swords, its actually something I find out cooler. A self folding origami bot. Yes that's right, an origami bot.
Now right now it can't do alot of things but think of the potential. You could have a single sheet become whatever you needed at that time. A phone, a laptop, an umbrella, a purse, a wallet, keys, a hat. Whatever you wanted it could fold and mold itself to your needs. Do you know how insanely awesome this could be yet?
Growing Plants Everywhere - VermiSoks

Okay so I met the guy who came up with this idea, Miguel Jardine, at a TEDx Scottsdale talk last night. It really is an amazingly out there idea with a lot of potential. Pretty much you can have a self-sustained gardening system and you don't even need water. Hm.... no water, we're in a desert with little to no water... I say UAT should look into using this to take over a small part of that empty lot we own to experiment! No breaking ground or construction needed so it doesn't step on anyone's toes. So you should check it out here.
Engineering Challenge - Integrate Functionality & Livability

Okay so maybe a few of my posts are going to be influenced by the TEDx talk I went to last night, mostly because my head started exploding with all these ideas because of the talks. So I issue a challenge to all my smarty fellow Robotics students [you can do this too Mueth], and any blog readers out there are more then welcome to join in as well. I want you to take 2 or more things and merge them in such a way to improve both their designs and functionality. To increase there aesthetic pleasure as well massively improve there use. Now at this point you're like WTF Kayla really? Yes, really. Its not hard I promise, I came up with like 3 really awesome ideas while just waiting for my ride to pick me up after the TEDx event. ^^ It was kind of funny seeing me trying to write down and draw them out as quickly as possible before I forgot them. And by the way this challenge is inspired by a Mr. Derren Petrucci who gave an amazing talk and who I think would be a good person for UAT's crazy Robotics division to work with~ *hinthintMuethhinthint*